David Hendrickx
David Hendrickx has been working in the Moline Township Assessment Office for the last 24 years and has now retired. David has done a wonderful job during that time as the Chief Deputy Assessor for four years and then Assessor of Moline Township for a little over 19 years. Now, he will get to begin a new journey…retirement! Everyone at Moline Township would like to wish David a happy retirement and hope to see him around the building from time to time in the future.

Derek Devers
With David’s retirement, Derek Devers now takes over as the new Moline Township Assessor. Derek has been working in the assessment field for the last eight years. He’d been working for Hampton Township as the Chief Deputy Assessor for six years before coming to Moline Township two years ago to take over as the Chief Deputy Assessor. Derek ran for Moline Township Assessor in the 2021 elections and now takes over as the new Moline Township Assessor as of January 1st, 2022. We look forward to working with Derek for many years in Moline Township and want to wish him good luck as the new assessor.
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