You can download the 2024 Senior Assessment Freeze form from the Rock Island County website using the link below.
Senior Homestead Assessment Freeze renewal applications will be mailed from Rock Island County around the beginning of February 2025. Make sure that you have your 2024 Federal Income Tax Return or ALL of your 2024 1099’s. For the rules and requirements for the Senior Assessment Freeze, please see the link above. If you live in Moline Township you can renew or apply in our office or at the Supervisor of Assessments office in the Rock Island County building.
Senior Freeze renewal deadline is July 1st, 2025.
Derek L. Devers – C.I.A.O.
620 18th Street
Moline, IL 61265
Mon-Thu: 8:00am – 12:00pm & 1:00pm – 4:30pm
The assessor is concerned with value, not taxes. The assessor does not collect taxes, calculate taxes or determine the tax rate. Taxing jurisdictions such as schools, cities, and townships, adopt budgets which determine the tax levy. The actual dollar amount of your tax bill is determined by how much money these local agencies need to operate. Every dollar of property tax remains in the local area to fund local government.
Click on the appropriate link below to do a property search on a property located in Moline Township, as well as view all the Plat Maps, and view a GIS map of the entire township.
The Assessor is an elected government official who determines value on all real property within the township. That value is then converted into an assessment which is then used by the county as just one of the many pieces used in the figuring of each person’s tax bill.
The actual value of real property is determined by actions in the marketplace; the buying and selling of property by the public. Tracking values is the function of the Assessor, the Supervisor of Assessments and the Board of Review. These entities are thereby charged with equity among assessments. The Supervisor of Assessments and the Board of Review may use multipliers to achieve equity among townships within a county and/or to bring assessments to the State-mandated 33.33% of market value, county-wide. Sales are tracked by the State through Real Estate Transfer Declarations and the sale prices are compared to assessed values of those properties sold to produce sales ratio studies, which indicate the level of assessments in townships and counties. If the level is above or below 33.33% of value, the State may impose a multiplier to bring county levels to 33.33%. The Supervisor of Assessments or the Board of Review may use township multipliers to adjust township value levels within the county to 33.33%. The Assessor, the Supervisor of Assessments and the Board of Review in this function do not TAX. They evaluate by tracking the market and adjust these valuations for equity by the application of multipliers. Multipliers are related to value adjustments, not to TAXES.
Taxes are the result of the demand for money by the taxing bodies. The taxing bodies are listed on the tax bill along with their portions of the tax rate. These include counties, cities, schools, airports, townships, and others. Their requirements for money to operate translate to tax rates, the total of which, when applied to the effective property assessment, determines the tax bill. To see what percentage each taxing body gets, you can visit our Property Tax Distribution page.
In summary, rising taxes are the result of rising demands for money, not the result of rising property values. In a given year, when values increase, tax rates would decrease to generate the same tax dollars as the prior year. In a given year, when property values decrease, tax rates would increase to generate the same tax amount as the prior year. Except for that part of the township or county levy, which is needed to cover office budgets, assessment bodies do not TAX. Rather, they evaluate property according to the action of the market. It is not the local Assessor who decides the tax liability, as commonly believed.
This annual exemption is available for “residential property that is occupied by its owner or owners as his or their principal dwelling place, or that is a leasehold interest on which a single family residence is situated, which is occupied as a residence by a person who has an ownership interest therein, legal or equitable or as a lessee, and on which the person is liable for the payment of property taxes.” – Illinois Department of Revenue
This annual exemption is available for property that is occupied as a residence by a person 65 years of age or older who is liable for paying real estate taxes on the property and is an owner of record of the property or has a legal or equitable interest therein as evidenced by a written instrument, except for a leasehold interest, other than a leasehold interest of land on which a single family residence is located, which is occupied as a residence by a person 65 years or older who has an ownership interest therein, legal, equitable or as a lessee, and on which he or she is liable for the payment of property taxes. – Illinois Department of Revenue
A person qualifies for this exemption if the person
This exemption “freezes” the senior citizen’s property’s equalized assessed value the year that the senior citizen qualifies for the exemption. The property’s equalized assessed value does not increase as long as qualification for the exemption continues. The tax bill may still increase if any tax rates are increased or if improvements are added that increase the value of the property.
This exemption allows senior citizens who meet the qualifications to elect to maintain the equalized assessed value (EAV) of their homes at the base year EAV and prevent any increase in that value due to inflation. The amount of the exemption benefit is determined each year based on (1) the property’s current EAV minus the frozen base year value (the property’s prior year’s EAV for which the applicant first qualifies for the exemption), and (2) the applicant’s total household maximum income limitation. – Illinois Department of Revenue
Benefit Access Program Benefits:
Do I qualify for the Benefit Access Program?
Note: Use of the word spouse also includes a civil union partner.
Apply on the Benefit Access Application if you meet the following requirements:
To be determined eligible for these benefits, you must submit a Benefit Access Application on the Internet by using this link and filling out an application or by visiting a local office below. Paper applications are not available. Please note that current processing times to determine the eligibility of your Benefits Access Application is approximately 12 weeks.
State Representative Mike Halpin
1504 3rd Avenue, Rock Island, IL 61201
Rock Island County Office Building (2nd Floor)
(309)558-3612 (Call to Schedule an Appointment)
Western Illinois Area Agency on Aging
729 34th Avenue, Rock Island, IL 61201
(309)793-6800 (Call to Schedule an Appointment)
Rock Island County Senior Center
2221 11th Street, Rock Island, IL 61201
(309)788-6335 (Call to Schedule an Appointment)
Once your application is approved you may print a certificate of eligibility to take to your local transit authority or Secretary of State’s Office. Please wait 10 business days from the date of your approval for your license plate discount to be available. If you requested the ride free benefit, please contact your local public transit system for further information. Your local transit system may have additional requirements in order to obtain the free ride. You can check the Website at any time to determine your application status.
How do I find out if my application has been approved?
You may check the Website for the status of your application here. – Illinois Department on Aging
Rock Island County also has online information available:
620 18th Street
Moline, IL 61265
Office Hours:
General Assistance:
Monday – Friday
8:30 am – 12:00 pm and
12:30 pm – 4:00 pm
Assessment Office:
Monday – Thursday
8:00 am – 12:00 pm and
1:00 pm – 4:30 pm
Activity Center:
Monday – Friday
9:00 am – 4:00 pm
Buffalo Prairie
Canoe Creek
Coe / Assessor
Coal Valley
Hampton / Assessor
Port Byron
Rock Island / Assessor
South Moline / Assessor
South Rock Island / Assessor